Tuesday 25 June 2013

Death Note: In the dark, there is no light

"Ryuzaki, where is Light?"

"Light is everywhere around us, otherwise you couldn't tell I was here Misa"

"... "


Wednesday 19 June 2013


Swords come in all shapes and sizes, all of them are fine.
His hobbies include birdwatching, crochet and smashing in Hoodlum's* (ideology and breaking the cycles of poor education and poverty that help sadly perpertuate the criminal world)

Policeman or stripper? Depends on who is asking!

But don't ask this guy. This guy is 100% Police Guy

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Ice King: The hunt for princesses

The Ice King has had ..mixed luck with the princesses of Ooo, So he has decided to broaden his horizons. To Cantalot in Esquestria. This will not end well.

So who better than the Princesses Luna, her Big sister Celestia and their sister-in-law Cadence?  Surely  one of them will like his particular brand of "charm".

"Hey ladies, wanna hear some of my Fanfics? I can fly too, Beardstyle!"

"No" "No thank you" "I'm married"

Cadence is married and the other two seem decidedly not into you Ice King. Let them go and try again.

No.. Don't even think about it..

Don't do it..

Aww damn, he's chasing the princesses again.

"Nooo, come back!"
"I'm married!"
"I'd rather not!"

Saturday 8 June 2013

Turret peek-a-boo

"Hello? Are you still there?"

"There you are!"

The turret I made at a craft night last year sometime. 
I am most pleased with her.

Monday 3 June 2013

Adventure TIme: Enter Finn!

Today, on my quest to collect more Adventure Time things to occupy my eyes when I am not watching Adventure Time, I purchased another blind bag figure. Now I was rushing, trying to buy a birthday present for someone else which is why i seemed to have mis-felt Finn here, thinking he was Marceline.

I was incorrect!

But Finn is a cool guy so its all good!

My collection so far: needs more Marceline.