Monday 23 December 2013

Minecraft Friends forever

Advent calendar update

So, I was meant to be updating this thing all regularly with my playmobil advent calendar but .. I haven't.

In between being sick with a chest infection, sorting out/panicking about Christmas, sleeping, being ill, not being able to find my camera and falling back into Tumblr, I have been very LAX with my updates.

However, I will update the advent calendar, though maybe in chunks and I will also be putting up some more Pullip pictures and debuting my beloved Minecraft figurines too.

It's just a matter of time...

Sweet Sweet endless time....


Friday 13 December 2013


Treeson had trouble with this bench
"Too big!"

but he liked the leaves all around.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Advent Calendar Day Three

Today, for Christmas, the thief got...

A crow bar and a swag bag~!

I can't wait until Thief has finished tooling up and is ready for the heist!

They really could do with a montage about now!

Advent Calendar Day Two

So, on Day two I got...

A hat  and a gun!

 Wearing his new hat and carefully holding his new gun.
Guns are not toys!
"Well, Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen!"

Advent Calendar Day One

I have been given a wonderful Playmobil Advent calendar for Christmas and I am aiming to post pictures of my progress every day!

It is from the cool-people-doing-things set (not its actual name)

I liked that this has a lot of different things going on in it and has a snake!

Behind door number one is this chilled out thief.
He comes with some cool guy sunglasses to wear at night so he doesn't get blinded by searchlights.

Monday 2 December 2013

Camoflage in the trees

Treeson is trying out these leaves for a seat

They are a lovely colour,
 but they are not very sturdy to rest on

Let's keep looking!