Monday 23 December 2013

Minecraft Friends forever

Advent calendar update

So, I was meant to be updating this thing all regularly with my playmobil advent calendar but .. I haven't.

In between being sick with a chest infection, sorting out/panicking about Christmas, sleeping, being ill, not being able to find my camera and falling back into Tumblr, I have been very LAX with my updates.

However, I will update the advent calendar, though maybe in chunks and I will also be putting up some more Pullip pictures and debuting my beloved Minecraft figurines too.

It's just a matter of time...

Sweet Sweet endless time....


Friday 13 December 2013


Treeson had trouble with this bench
"Too big!"

but he liked the leaves all around.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Advent Calendar Day Three

Today, for Christmas, the thief got...

A crow bar and a swag bag~!

I can't wait until Thief has finished tooling up and is ready for the heist!

They really could do with a montage about now!

Advent Calendar Day Two

So, on Day two I got...

A hat  and a gun!

 Wearing his new hat and carefully holding his new gun.
Guns are not toys!
"Well, Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen!"

Advent Calendar Day One

I have been given a wonderful Playmobil Advent calendar for Christmas and I am aiming to post pictures of my progress every day!

It is from the cool-people-doing-things set (not its actual name)

I liked that this has a lot of different things going on in it and has a snake!

Behind door number one is this chilled out thief.
He comes with some cool guy sunglasses to wear at night so he doesn't get blinded by searchlights.

Monday 2 December 2013

Camoflage in the trees

Treeson is trying out these leaves for a seat

They are a lovely colour,
 but they are not very sturdy to rest on

Let's keep looking!

Saturday 30 November 2013

Treeson and a Duck

Today We went to the park to take photographs of the birds.

Treeson doesn't seem to understand he isn't the focus of the show this time!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Lego Minifigures Series 11 number three Pretzel Lady...sort of

"So, pretzel-seller/entrepreneur Heidi?"

"Yes Jurgen, my pretzel producing friend?"

"It seems like  The photographer forgot to take an individual shot or two of you. This is a pretty big oversight considering how long ago this was posted?!"

"yes Jurgen, But at least we will always have...Pretzels!"

Monday 18 November 2013


Joy, is a type 1 Pullip, reclining on a sunny wall.
I took this a while ago and swiped it back off my old Flickr account.
I want to take more photos of my dolls and blog them so maybe you will see the other
8 pullips I have!

Thursday 14 November 2013

An interlude

Lately I've been feeling a little uninspired with my photography in general so ahve been doing other things instead.

One of these things is Minecraft.

Minecraft is an open world game where you can do pretty much what you like with the things you find and make. I've been playing it on and off for a while, though I didn't play for a huge gap because I kept getting errors that made it hard to see and therefore play. This was in the Beta stages though!

But yes, the point.

The point is, and it's pretty true for most videogames I play, that I play them how I feel and I am not the kind who usually rushes to the end of something for the sake of being there first. I like to explore things and have a poke about. In doing this, I often am late to the "doing the thing you are meant to" party. As such, it has taken me until today to find diamonds by myself in Minecraft.


I had to defeat my old enemy "burny hot killer lava" but I did it!


Tuesday 12 November 2013

Flam and Flam and Flim

This is probably Flam
I have trouble telling them apart on account of the fact that these brothers look like twins!

I bet that annoys them no end! Still I like their straw boaters and vaudevillian styles
Also, an interesting thing to note that cider in the USA is not always alcoholic, which makes the episode they are in far less confusing for those in the UK where is it is almost always an alcoholic beverage!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Lagoona Red

Lagoona is back, this time she is being bathed in red light.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Lagoona Blue

I have been getting back into photography my various dolls and the first to debut is Monster high's Lagoona Blue.

BAD: That one stray hair annoys me!
GOOD: I love the light on the texture of her hair though, its wonderful!

BONUS: Her helmet is green but looks almost neon yellow in the blue light!

Saturday 26 October 2013

100th Post

I was unsure when I started this blog that it'd make it to see it's 50th Post (missed that milestone!), let alone it's 100th, so hooray for that!

Behold! Happy Creeper LSP LSP to you all!

Halloween Pumpkin

Friday 18 October 2013

Hello Kitty Chef, Build me up

Hello kitty build-a-career-kitty set

(between Hello Kitty and Barbie, I think no job is secure)

She comes in piece(s)

"Hello, What can I cook you today? a dead bird? maybe some fries? I don't even have a mouth!"

>^o_o^< mew

Thursday 17 October 2013

Lord of the Spiders

       The Death knight decided to let his hair down, literally, by taking off his hood and spending some time with the violet spiders of Spiderland.

He likes the way they walk and they like to tickle him!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

When Fandoms Collide

Lately, I have been playing a game called Saltybets, a betting game which pits two different fighters against each other to see who is the strongest.

These characters can be anyone from the rare Dark Akuma, and Ryu to Ronald McDonald and Winnie the Pooh.

With that in mind, I present to you Adventure Times Lumpy Space Princess and Flim (not Flam) from My Little Pony; Friendship is magic.

Who would you bet on?

Tuesday 15 October 2013

LSP in Purple Spiderlight Kingdom

So, Like, I'm here in Purple Spiderlight Kingdom and it's Lumping Weird!
There's no one to talk to but, like, these spiderlights, and everything is purple!

" Hey! Spider guy! What the Lump is with this place? And, like, how do I get outta here?!"
What do you mean, you don't know? UGH, You guys are lumping useless!

Whatever! I'm outta here!
