Thursday 14 November 2013

An interlude

Lately I've been feeling a little uninspired with my photography in general so ahve been doing other things instead.

One of these things is Minecraft.

Minecraft is an open world game where you can do pretty much what you like with the things you find and make. I've been playing it on and off for a while, though I didn't play for a huge gap because I kept getting errors that made it hard to see and therefore play. This was in the Beta stages though!

But yes, the point.

The point is, and it's pretty true for most videogames I play, that I play them how I feel and I am not the kind who usually rushes to the end of something for the sake of being there first. I like to explore things and have a poke about. In doing this, I often am late to the "doing the thing you are meant to" party. As such, it has taken me until today to find diamonds by myself in Minecraft.


I had to defeat my old enemy "burny hot killer lava" but I did it!


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