Friday 5 July 2013

Ice King's Guide to Bird-watching

First step, find some princesses. The Disney ones are wholesome and sweet and as such, often attract local flora and fauna and bend them top their will  with their witchling powers or Telekinetic Prowess.

A lot of people don't know about them but they are really powerful. They could eat your alive if they weren't so good.

(They are all skilled in the magick arts, and especially dark arts of rejection for one..)

This sleepy Princess said she'd could never love a man with more hands than her. When I remarked she had two, she promptly lost one and made the numbers workg

The blonde is a master of disguise. I did see some mice and a gourd near here but not many birds.
She then disappered for the whole night and I had a staring contest with wht I thought was a honrned owl but it turned out to be a towel stuck youu a tree. Oh well. She came back just after 12 to push me out of the tree I was um.. sitting in.

 Looks can be deceiving with princesses. You think you know someone from the times you rustle through their bins and smelled the seat they had sat on when you thought no one was looking and then BAM! Turned out they already have a boyfriend, and Man, is he hairy! Shame though, she had some cool looking books!

The last one, is probably better if you wanted to go fishing and she is like, a total beach babe. She is kinda quiet and obsessed with her legs but one day she'll be able to walk as well on land as she does in the water!

Princess- I mean- Bird watching is hard work! Best to kick back my favourite penguins,

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