Thursday 15 August 2013

Pony Post 7 Apple family!

Sibling Picture time!

Pony Post 6: Honesty is the best policy

Sprinkle Stripe,  Bitta luck, Apple jack and Apple Dazzle are joining in the conga line that was started by the Pegasus Ponies in Pony Post 5

I like Bitta Luck's colours best out of the four!

Pony Post 5: Feathered friends

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy share the same mould,  which is pretty nice but I think ruins Fluttershy as her mane hair is all "wrong" to me!

Here is a rare photograph of a Pegasi conga line.
Flutershy, Rainbowshine, Rainbow Dash and Lucky Dreams go go go!

Bonus accidental shot of Rainbow Dash falling face first onto Lucky Dreams

Sunday 11 August 2013

Pony Post 4: Here come the bucks

The Primary ponies, Golden Grape, Big Macintosh and Noteworthy

And with the addition of Meadow Song, completes the line up for Wave 3 Male Ponies.
Out of the four, I think Noteworthy and Meadow Song look the best. Big Mac's eyes always seem too awake to me! Golden Grape is clashy and a little garish, but the purple is a nice shade!

Pony Post 3: A Rarity

From left to right, Rarity, Berryshine and Sea Swirl. These are all from Wave 3!

I like the Rarity mould, the mane and tails are beautiful! They balance a lot better than the Pinkie Pie moulds too.

 I wonder what they are talking about? Probably calculations about surface tensions and how their hair styles can only be truly expressed via advanced mathmatics and several complex equations.

Friday 9 August 2013

Pony Post 2: Twihard

Lovestruck, Twilight Sparkle, Heartstrings (Lyra), Glow-in-the-dark Twilight Sparkle

Heartstrings AKA Lyra and Lovestruck. I like Lyra's colours and the contrast between the vibrant pink and white of Lovestruck!

Original Twilight Sparkle and the Glowy version. I need to get a picture of her all charged up and glowing!

Thursday 8 August 2013

Pony Post 1, attack of the Pinky mould AKA too many Pinkie Pies

Glow-in-the-dark Pinkie Pie flanked by Golden Harvest, normal Pinkie Pie and Cherry Berry!!

I like this arrangement! usually I find this type of pony really hard to balance on her hooves but 
 they all did it well tonight without much tumbling about. I love their tails, so swirly!

Pinkie Pie: HI!
Glowy Pinkie Pie: HI!!

Monday 5 August 2013

Rider Purple

I was experimenting with coloured lights and I really like how this one turned out.

She looks almost nightmarish but also exasperated.

Friday 2 August 2013

Bad Puns

If I had won a holiday to somewhere lovely, Alpaca my bags now!

Thursday 1 August 2013

Tom Cruise? Crazy!



Hi, my name is Tom cruise

This is Tom Cruise. He is not the famous guy you are thinking of
but in fact a pilot from space who has a thousand clones, and a thousand wives that all are called Kate.

See? Nothing like that other Tom.

He has a Map, so he knows where is he is going. It's a good map, written by a real cartographer!

This is his map

 Sometimes though, with all the clone fighting and jumping about and kissing various ladies called Kate, it gets tiring being Tom. Life is too too tiring. Night Night Tom..
