Friday 31 May 2013

The Wedding - Part 3, the finale

The Elvis impersonator seemed a little out of place in the middle-of-nowhere town of Shirley, what with it being a place and time where Elvis had not been invented yet. But who cares! There was a wedding to perform and a marriage to begin and he had the legal documents to make sure it was a valid one. (They know because the Groom had pick-pocketed the poor man's wallet from his glittery jumpsuit when he wasn't paying attention. He put it back, for once, with all its contents intact).

The Little Dot Chapel was unique for it's bright decor and nonjudgmental attitudes. The Dress code was "Fancy- whatever you fancy".

 Elvis cleared his voice and began: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered hastily here today to join the hands of these two bright eyed people in matrimony. They have asked to keep the vows short and sharp, so like a dwarf with a new axe, I shall be cutting this brief. Do you, Anna Sassy-Pants, take Stealy Dan to be your awfully-wedded husband, in sickness and on bail, so long as you both may want to?"

Elvis had made sure to write down exactly what they had requested, after being told that under no circumstances (with a gun) was he to mention the death-us-do-part thing on account of a awful misunderstanding to do with Stealy's Parents. People can be so literal these days.

"Hell Yes"
 The Elvis impersonator smiled, and turned to the aforementioned Stealy Dan, a man whose parents must have had a certain plan for him since birth or at least a great sense of comedy.
"Do you Stealy Dan, take Anna Sassy-Pants to be your awfully-wedded wife, to provide alibis for and to share the profits with 50-50 for as long as your both want to?"

"Of course I do!"

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now hug awkwardly"

And they lived for several years after (whose counting anyways?), feeling pretty happy with their decision. 
The End

(Thank you for the help with the names Tulse!)

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Adventure time Blind bag - Enter the Ice King

Front of the blind bag

Back of the blind bag.

This is the second Adventure Time Blind Bags that I have, the first one having the Princess of Lumpy Space herself inside. LSP was easy to figure out on account of all her awesome sweet hot lumps.

"Oh my Glob, could this be a hot new Nice king?"
"Oh my .."

"Its totally some kind of snowball tissue paper prince! :D "

"Hey hey hey!"

"Oh my Glob! Get away from me Ice King!"

"Gladly, you are not even one in my top 5 Princesses in Ooo"

Saturday 25 May 2013

The wedding pt 2 - bridezilla

"Hello Princess" said the assassin.
"I haven't got any cash" she murmured back in response.
"I don't need your money Emily, I have plenty of my own. I want these flowers and so I shall have them" (she is a go-getter and often goes-to-get what she wants).

"Now, none of you try anything, I am good with my gun and you all know it, but I don't want to use it. Bullets are expensive these days," the Assassin warned.
 "Why the bouquet?" Emily dared to ask.

"You wouldn't understand Emily, even if I told you."

Sometimes, its not what you say, but how you say it.

Friday 24 May 2013

Weasley the Punk

This is the "punk" from  Playmobile "Boy's" Series 2.He is pretty different to any other Playmobile figures that I have so far.

For starters, he has 2 faces which I have dubbed "happy guy" and "cool scowl"

 When he has the happy guy face on, he looks kind of like Ron Weasley if he was a punk kid. The whole outfit itself is pretty cool and I kind of want to try some of the girls in it.

Also, he isn't a Princess, nor Elvis or some kind of Necromancer.

His hair is a riotous mess of rubbery orange spikes and looks like an urchin and resembles somebody-I-used-to-know's hair from years ago.

Seriously, I cannot quite get over his hair.

"He was now called diabolo" - My Immortal

With the scowl, he seems like the kind of guy most people's mothers would warn them about, which would fall on dead ears as you harboured a crush for weeks until you met up, finally drummed up the courage to talk to this paragon of cool and disdain and were like "Oh, your name is Nigel and you work in a cardboard flattening service company and this is all a beautifully ugly lie isn't it?"

Sometimes Mother can be right.

Just a quick post to show my first attempt at making a rainicorn from aquabeads.

Rainicorns are an awesome species from Adventure Time, and are part unicorn , part rainbow and all awesome.

The base board that I was using was kinda small so she is a short rainicorn and as a medium they are very fiddly but I had fun doing this.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

I recently received another lovely Portal sentry turret figure and I am working on a post to showcase them all in their full glory. This is harder than I thought though as I am lacking in science laboratories where they do not escort you off the premises for trying to take photographs.

In the meantime, here is a bullseye sentry turret relaxing after a long day's standing still and being awesome* at test subjects.

(*note; "being awesome" is sometimes shooting at test subjects. Such is life).

Friday 17 May 2013

The Wedding, Part 1, now with words

This is a photo story I kind of made up when taking shots of my playmobil figures.
I hope it makes sense ha ha.

The bridal party are gathered around the Bride, admiring her wedding dress, its pretty cool and she got it for cheap as it is second hand. Most of the ladies are princesses but they aren't like you think.They just get to wear a higher than average number of fancy and poufy dresses and they like that. Feminism creeps into all of society.

The Bridal Princess Emily practises her throwing-the-bouquet skills and limbers up. She doesn't want to pull a muscle.

Ready! The overhead lights dim and the tension mounts.

Princess Clarice jostles to the front, trying to edge into the blue and pink limelight and to hopeful superstitious glory! She doesn't even have a long-term boyfriend, she's just super competitive like that.




Wednesday 15 May 2013

A Salty Apple Fritter

My Apple Fritter blind bag pony has the joint best face of the new wave of Ponies.

The other one? This guy!

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Treeson in the snow Part 2

Treeson stands proudly on the rickety old gate that separates my front and back gardens. He is brave, I would not stand there but then again I am not 3.5 inches tall.

Treeson has a snowman friend now. That is pretty cool for him. The snowman's eyes are cake crumbs and his nose is a dried cranberry. Treeson is not the kind of guy to eat someone's eyes (he's not unreasonable like that) and he doesn't like cranberries. Do not make your snowmen taste too good or you will wake up with a sore stomach and a guilty mind.

Monday 13 May 2013

Treeson in the Snow, Part 1

We have had all kinds of weather this year, from baking hot days to hail, to rainstorms and of course, flurries of snow. These pictures are from when the snow had settled and I was putting some attempt at home made bird food made from cooking fat and cereal and breadcrumbs out for the birds in the garden. I couldn't resist taking these photos as Treeson is a Yeti kind of guy (albeit with prescription lenses).

I have a few more from this set to upload another day ^_^ but for now: Yeti Fun Time

Saturday 11 May 2013

I am in the process of, once more, collecting the newest Lego minifigure series (series 10, golden packets) and I have most of the ones I want now I think!

The librarian was one that I wanted more than any because, narcissistically, she looked like me and she was a librarian! There as nothing more needed really. She even wears a skirt and knee socks like I do!

I am slowly going to try to untangle my previous Lego minifigs and take photographs of them and upload them on here, but it'll take time and I will probably get distracted (the truth is painful).

But I also have a shortish Playmobil photostory Picfic to work on too so who knows what will happen!?

Until then, here is the statute of Liberty and Uncle Sam having a book fight.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

I really like the show Adventure Time so I was over the moon when I received my lovely BMO a few weeks back. He has interchangeable faces and I like most of them but the smile is the best.

I got into Adventure Time way late but I really like how that gave me a backlog of series to work though and get to see the show and characters progress. Its pretty unique to me how they are happy to have complicated characters and realistic situations crop up more than seems possible in such a mad wonderful world.

Yay! BMO!