Monday 29 July 2013

Axe the question

So, you come across this lovely Fireman, and he is looking very happy.

"Why?" you ask yourself, "Is he so cheery? surely he fights fire and rescues ferocious kittens from the boughs of tall trees and all those kinds of harrowing fire related and car crash type situations?!"

He smiles a knowing and serene smile, as if he can read your very thoughts on the matter.

"Yes, it is a dangerous job, but I have two Axes! I was only meant to have one!"

"Count 'em! One! Two!"

"It is dangerous to wave axes around though.. Don't try this at home!"

(When I opened up the packet, he had the two axes instead of one. I took this to be a sign)

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Melon bread Testing

 At MCM at the weekend I tried my very first piece of melon bread and it was delicious!

The one in the picture is being sampled for tastiness by My new happy egg plush, my Lentil Mameshiba and his friends, TigerBean Mameshiba and the tiniest Totoro

Taste test outcome?

10/10, not a crumb left!

Thursday 18 July 2013



This is one of those lame excuse posts, where I pretend to have a good reason for not updating...

But I don't! I have been making a Fionna (from Adventure time with Fionna and Cake) costume for MCM Manchester at the weekend and not coping with this strange heatwave England is having at the moment. No one wants to complain about it being too hot without adding "but at least its not rain..." for fear of looking strange!

Hopefully I can get some pretty cool new things to take photos of at the weekend and then blog will be more interesting again!

Here is Princess Space DeadSkulla looking pretty cool.

Ice King doesn't like her, which is good because she HATES him.

Why? She wouldn't say ... DUN DUN DUN!

Monday 8 July 2013

Ice King and Maiden Princess

This is maiden princess. She is a good girl and has been told to respect her elders and be nice.

Ice king, in the land of Play-obile, where giant princesses are many, thinks his lucks in today. This princess isn't screaming at him and crying and getting all stolen by Finn!

They sit down to discuss the beautiful
imagination flowers growing out just out of shot (they are beautiful, trust me).

They also smell good, and whisper sound advice if you get close enough...

"Go away Ice King! She will never love you" the flowers advise.

So for once, he does.

LEGO : sports edition

He won the trophy in a Magic the Gathering tornament, he just wants to look good
She practises her ice skating every day she can and sews her all own costumes.

He is the Shadow-Tennis World champion.

LEGO: Frankies

2 Blind bags surprise!

 Today, I found two blind bags and though, hey, I should buy one of each!

So I did!

I then thought, Hey! I should write a blog post about them!

So I did!

Here it is!
Just below here...

Almost there..

Got it!
First up, Monsters University Monster Mini Blind Bag! I am looking forward to the Film coming out soon and I was hoping to get the lady in the bottom left corner, Randall, the monster on the centre row, again at the left or the monster lady on the rightmost side of the centre row!
I got Sully! Not bad at all I don't think!
Here he is admiring the sticker that came free in the packet. I really like the style of the artwork of the sticker!

Second up is the new series of My Little Pony: friendship is Magic Blind Bag, I forget which series it is but it has cool looking packaging! This set is eye catching with the dark background and the bright accents.

This is not the best photograph of it but it is a shot of the different Ponies you can get in the new Neon colourway.

As shown on the front, Flim and Flam are available to collect at last which is nice! It can get a little dull as a collector to just keep getting the same 4 moulds over and over, especially if you have problem getting one of them to stand up regularly (damn you unstable Pinkie Pie!).

You can also get Gilda the Griffin, Princess Cadance, a spa pony called Lotus Blossom, and Granny Smith. These moulds have been used in other MLP:FiM merchandise and its good to see the variety coming through to the blind bags!

I got Ribbon Wishes and I like her colouring, she reminds me of the old school pony Firefly a little which is good for me!

Friday 5 July 2013

Ice King's Guide to Bird-watching

First step, find some princesses. The Disney ones are wholesome and sweet and as such, often attract local flora and fauna and bend them top their will  with their witchling powers or Telekinetic Prowess.

A lot of people don't know about them but they are really powerful. They could eat your alive if they weren't so good.

(They are all skilled in the magick arts, and especially dark arts of rejection for one..)

This sleepy Princess said she'd could never love a man with more hands than her. When I remarked she had two, she promptly lost one and made the numbers workg

The blonde is a master of disguise. I did see some mice and a gourd near here but not many birds.
She then disappered for the whole night and I had a staring contest with wht I thought was a honrned owl but it turned out to be a towel stuck youu a tree. Oh well. She came back just after 12 to push me out of the tree I was um.. sitting in.

 Looks can be deceiving with princesses. You think you know someone from the times you rustle through their bins and smelled the seat they had sat on when you thought no one was looking and then BAM! Turned out they already have a boyfriend, and Man, is he hairy! Shame though, she had some cool looking books!

The last one, is probably better if you wanted to go fishing and she is like, a total beach babe. She is kinda quiet and obsessed with her legs but one day she'll be able to walk as well on land as she does in the water!

Princess- I mean- Bird watching is hard work! Best to kick back my favourite penguins,

Monday 1 July 2013

Steve's Vital Stats

Name: Steve McKnifey
Occupation: Butcher
Hair colour: Red
Favourite Food: MEAT
Weapon of choice: Cleaver, Comedy Meat Shank